We are currently full for boarding only customers but do have some availability for doggy daycare, which includes boarding options for your next holiday.

Important Information

Before you bring your dog for boarding, please ensure you’ve registered correctly with us – check here and that you’ve sent us the scans of your dog’s vaccination certificate. Please note that your dog’s inoculations must be valid for the entirety of his/her stay with us and must include the primary vaccinations as well as Kennel Cough. Check them now and ensure you have sent us a scan to david@dogsloveactivepaws.com. Many vets do not give kennel cough as standard so please double check your dog has had it.

It’s really important that you ensure you’ve updated the Dietary Info box of your dog’s profile on our online booking system to reflect his/her feeding requirements. Remember that we need to know how much to feed, of which food (especially if you’re bringing more than one type) and also how often your dog is fed, i.e. breakfast, lunch, tea etc. Please label your dog’s food with his/her name!

If you are bringing items such as bedding or toys we ask you to download the drop off form and list out the items you are leaving with us. You can also add the feed requirements on here. We supply lovely comfortable beds and really there is no need for you to bring anything. Some owners like to bring a blanket or something that smells of home, but most dogs that stay with us take no notice of these items and often it’s other dogs that use them, so honestly we would rather you didn’t bring them! Your dog will be too busy playing with new friends to be worried about them, however, feel free to do so if you wish.


We look forward to welcoming your dog to Active Paws. Our aim is to ensure your dog has a relaxing and enjoyable stay so that you have peace of mind while you’re on holiday. One final word though …. We ask you to keep to your agreed drop off time as we may be out walking or with other clients. Please don’t just show up! At the weekends and on bank holidays the arrival or pickup time is restricted to between 08:30 and 09:15 or 16:30 and 18:00. If you are delayed, please just let us know by emailing us or calling 07990-754824. If you happen to arrive early, please don’t ring the bell until the opening time. There are coffee shops and pubs in Chalfont St Giles, Chalfont St Peter and Gerrards Cross where you can pass the time until we open. We kindly request that you do not wait outside the house as it blocks entry for our neighbours.

Many thanks for choosing Active Paws!